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Halliday-Hasan Cohesion in English

22/4/ · hasan pdf free, cohesion and coherence in english education students, cohesion and coherence academic english online queen, grammatical and lexical cohesion arnis silvia academia edu, halliday m a k amp hasan r cohesion in, ruqaiya hasan wikipedia, cohesion in english by m a k halliday ebook, cohesion in english 1st edition paperback routledge, cohesion in english english COHESION The techniques and devices used to connect different parts of a text. They help the sentences of a text hang together so that the reader is able to ‘track’ the meaning. It is possible to invent a sequence of sentences that are highly cohesive but incoherent. EG ‘A week has seven days. Every day I feed my cat. Cats have four legs. The cat is on the mat. Mat has three letters Note: If you're looking for a free download links of Cohesion in English (English Language Series) Pdf, epub, docx and torrent then this site is not for you. only do ebook promotions online and we does not distribute any free download of ebook on this site. The download link provided above is randomly linked to our ebook promotions or third-party advertisements and not to download

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Cohesion in english pdf free download

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Hongshuo Ma Arrean. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. H C41ID Translation and Interpreting Studies H MSc Interpreting and Translating C41ID : Translation and Interpreting Studies with text practice Semester Two Project Ma Hongshuo Shifts of Cohesion in Chinese Translation of Breastfeeding Your Baby Submission Date: The website also provides several translation texts into different languages.

It contains 8 pages, where knowledge such as how does breastmilk benefit both mothers and their babies, when should they stop breastfeeding and what kind of gesture is good for them have all been explained in detail. Both the English version and Chinese version are coherent.

However, the way they get coherence are different somehow. Many cohesive devices are shifted in the Chinese translation text. Therefore, this project will study cohesion shift and how it has been achieved in the target text. At the beginning, the project will define cohesion, comparing and contrasting the literature written by different scholars. The key concepts and strategies to manage shifts of cohesion will be explored next, before classifying the cohesive devices used in English source text and examining how they have been rendering in the target text.

Theoretical Framework 1. Defining Cohesion Cohesion is widely studied cohesion in english pdf free download both English and Chinese scholars. Among them, cohesion in english pdf free download, the most famous is that done by Halliday and Hasan, cohesion in english pdf free download.

They also set up a model of cohesion, which contains five main devices used in English to get cohesion: reference, substitution, ellipse, cohesion in english pdf free download, conjunction and lexical cohesion. This model can also be used to analyze many other languages.

Furthermore, they put forward the seven standards of textuality and five cohesion devices. Compared to Halliday and Hasan, they linked cohesion together with other characteristics of text, cohesion in english pdf free download than studied it alone.

Apart from them, Chinese scholars, such as Hu and Zhang and Liu have also contributed to the study on cohesion. Both of the two studies enlarged the scope of cohesion. Apart from linguistic features, they also took social and cultural factors into account to define cohesion and created their own models. However, this tends to mix up the line between 1 cohesion and other text features.

To make up shortages of their theory, Halliday have reclassified one of the cohesion devices: conjunction, cohesion in english pdf free download. Cohesion Shifts According to Bakerno cohesion in english pdf free download how hard translators might try, they cannot reproduce networks of cohesion which are identical to the source text.

Thus, they need to shift the devices. There are two types of shifts: one is obligatory shifts because of linguistic differences between source and target language. The other is cohesion in english pdf free download, where cohesive devices may work in the target text, but the translator makes some change due to stylistic, ideological and cultural reasons al-Khafaji, Firstly, Chinese and English are markedly different languages. According to Zhu, Zheng and MiaoChinese is different from English cohesion in english pdf free download lexical, structural, grammatical and many other aspects.

From the lexical perspective, some words which work as cohesion devices in English may hardly find its counterpart in Chinese, or they may carry different meanings in certain context. In terms of grammar, English attaches more importance to it, while Chinese may ignore grammar in some context when it still makes sense.

All these differences, in addition to many social, cohesion in english pdf free download, cultural, conventional differences all lead to cohesion shift in English-Chinese translation to raise textual equivalence.

They also give challenges in English-Chinese translation. Breastfeeding your baby is a technical text. According cohesion in english pdf free download Lione of the most important principle of translating technical text is to be accurate and faithful to the source text, because of the function of the source text.

Therefore, in terms of cohesion, the Chinese translation should be accurate and precise. However, due to the differences discussed before, mostly the translator should choose to sacrifice the structure and semantic equivalence to achieve functional equivalence. Baker, As a result, the accuracy and faithfulness will be influenced somehow. Though absolute textual equivalence is impossible Baker,many scholars have found different ways to render cohesion shift. Shifts in levels of explicitness; b.

And the explicit or implicit meaning potential may also change. This theory has not only categorized the effect of shifts of cohesion, but provide the reader with a way of categorize the strategies of achieving method, though it may not be perfect. Methodology As discussed before, Breastfeeding 2 Your baby is a medical text. The accuracy of translating is highly demanded. Cohesion, as an important feature, should be translate accurately as well. Compared the source and target text, many of cohesion devices are not changed, but there are still some shifts.

As the whole text is too long, the writer will only analyze the third page and the fourth page. These two pages contain all the cohesion devices in the source text, and the Chinese translation text can also represent nearly all the strategies used in the whole text.

Here are the instances of cohesion shifts the writer found from the data. As lexical cohesion is very complex and hard to count, the writer will not give the number.

Shifted Cohesive devices Type of Cohesive Devices Instances Reference 4 Ellipse 2 Conjunction 2 Lexical Cohesion - Structural Cohesion 3 Table 1. Shifted Cohesion Devices 2. Strategies Used To Render the Cohesive Devices Type of Strategies in regard to reference Instances Omit 2 Explicit the meaning 1 Change According to the Context 1 Table 2. Strategies-Reference Type of Strategies in regard to ellipse Instances Supplement 2 Table3.

Strategies-Ellipse Type of Strategies in regard to conjunction Instances Omit 1 Change According to the Context 1 Table 4. Strategies-Conjunction Type of Strategy in regard to lexical Instances cohesion Try to Maintain the Structure 3 Table 5. Strategies-Structural Cohesion Due to the space constraints, the data analysis will not explain all the examplesbut select some from the category of different cohesive devices.

The writer will also choose examples according to the strategies, in order to include all the strategies used in the data analysis. Then the writer will explain how the examples associate with the theories above, and explore the effect of the strategies on the translation. Data Analysis 1. Reference There are six examples of3shifts in reference.

The number is the largest among the five devices, and the strategies used of different examples are also different from each other. However, due to the space restriction, two examples are selected to represent. One of them used obligatory shift, the other optional shift.

H C41ID Translation and Interpreting Studies 1 Page 3 Your Position obligatory shift ST Breastfeeding lying down can be very comfortable. It is especially good for night feeds as you can rest while your baby feeds. It is also a formal subject to avoid a long subject. It can also link these two sentences together. If this word has been translated, it will be odd and redundancy. There are a number of different designs, all of which work in slightly different ways.

Some are operated by hand and some by battery. They all cohesion in english pdf free download a funnel which fits over the nipple and areola. TT 与没有奶汁相比,奶汁饱满时手动吸乳器是很容易使用的。手动吸乳器 有多种不同的设计,每一种的工作原理稍有不同。有些是手动的,有些 是电池驱动的。每一种吸乳器都有一个套在乳头和乳晕上的漏斗。 BT Compared to without breastmilk, When breast are full hand pumps are easy to use.

Hand pumps have different cohesion in english pdf free download, each work principal is slightly diffrent. Some are operated by hand, some are operated by battery. Every hand pump have a funnel cover nipple and areola funnel. For Chinese is not a subject-prominent language, actually it is topic-prominent language Zang, The link between sentences always lie in the meaning, not the grammar.

Therefore,Chinese readers are not accustomed to finding subject back from other sentences. H C41ID Translation and Interpreting Studies 2. Ellipse There are two examples found from the text.

The cohesive devices included in both of the examples belong to verbal ellipse, and the strategies used to render the translation are also very similar. So one of them will be chosen to represent the three, cohesion in english pdf free download. TT 奶汁可以在冰室里存放一个星期,在冰箱里可以存放三个月的时间。 BT Breastmilk can in the ice compartment store for one week, in refrigerator can store for three months. When certain element is repeated in English sentences, it can be omitted to avoid redundancy.

This can make the sentence precise and coherence. The Chinese translation added the omitted part, because in Chinese there is no such language convention.

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VCE English Language - What's the difference between Coherence and Cohesion?

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Cohesion in english pdf free download

cohesion in english pdf free download

Classes: Tenses and Cohesion Eli Hinkel Seattle University, Washington INTRODUCTION Grammar instruction in many En glish as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms includes deductive teach­ ingand learning, when the teacher presentsgrammarrules followed byvar­ ious forms of practice. Student practice can take the form of cloze exer­ cises, a translation of Cohesion in English - Free eBooks Download - ebookcom blogger.comom › Study › Languages M. A. K. Halliday, Ruqaiya Hasan, "Cohesion in English" Pub Group | | ISBN: | pages | File type: PDF | 64,6 mb Cohesion in English is Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion | Arnis Silvia - Halliday-Hasan Cohesion in English - Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu

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